Dental filling is a dental treatment used to repair decayed, broken or worn teeth. In this procedure, damaged tooth tissue is cleaned with a special drill and the gap is filled with tooth-colored or metallic filling material. The filling process restores the function and aesthetic appearance of the tooth.
Types of dental fillings:
- Composite filling: It is a tooth-colored, plastic-based filling material. It gives the best results in terms of aesthetics.
- Amalgam filling: It is a filling material consisting of an alloy of metals such as silver, tin and copper. It is more durable than composite filling.
- Gold filling: It is a filling material made from gold alloy. It is a durable and aesthetically pleasing filling option.
- Porcelain filling: It is a filling material produced in a porcelain laboratory and bonded to the tooth. It gives the best results in terms of aesthetics.
Stages of the dental filling process:
- Local anesthesia: Dental filling procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia.
- Cleaning of damaged tissue: Damaged tooth tissue is cleaned with a special drill.
- Selection of filling material: The dentist and the patient choose the most suitable filling material for the tooth.
- Placement of the filling material: The filling material is placed and shaped in the prepared cavity of the tooth.
- Polishing: The process is completed by polishing the filling material.
Lifespan of dental filling:
The lifespan of a dental filling varies depending on the filling material used, the condition of the tooth, and the patient’s oral hygiene. Composite fillings can last an average of 5-10 years, amalgam fillings 10-15 years, and gold fillings 20-25 years.
Things to consider after dental filling:
- Avoid hard foods until the anesthesia wears off.
- Protect the filled area from hot and cold foods for 24 hours.
- Brush and floss your teeth regularly.
- Get checked by the dentist regularly.
Dental fillings are a widely used method of treating tooth decay and other dental problems. When applied correctly and with due care, it can be used for many years.